Different Development and Production versions of TEAMS-RDS allow different number of concurrent sessions. Each Guided Troubleshooting or Telediagnosis connection counts as one session. The restrictions are enforced by the licensing module based on the product key as the software for a
QSI provides SQL scripts to create a database called ‘RDS’ with all the required tables. It is highly recommended the default usernames and passwords be modified by editing the scripts prior to creating the RDS database. For security reasons, we are only listing the defau
TEAMS-RDS Apache Tomcat error logs are located under %RDS_BASE%\jakarta-tomcat\logs\tomcat-stderr.[Date].log. Examples of easily understandable error messages: 2015-12-15 15:59:10,863 ERROR [TeamateClient ] Database connection failed! (Tip: Database is not reachable) 2015-11-15 15:59: