TEAMS-RDS can be setup to encrypt a PackNGo payload before it is sent to the technician, either via email, or via HTTP sync from PackNGo app. The payload is encrypted using a key derived from the user’s password (using PBKDF2, or more specifically, PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1). The encry
When creating a model, the individual subassemblies are created as modules. The models of these modules can be shared with little or no modification across multiple systems. This means that if a subassembly is shared across multiple systems, it only needs to be modeled once. Thus, the
The modeling effort can be broken in four phases: 1. Getting to know the system being modeled, the different ways it can fail, and how the failures manifest themselves (symptoms, error-codes, tests). 2. Capturing the relationships in the TEAMS tool (the actual modeling). 3. Adding ref