Before proceeding you will need to know the following information to configure the ODBC data source, contact your IT administrator for assistance.
- MySQL ODBC driver installed
- TCP/IP address of the database server
- database user account and password
- database port if non-default was set
- name of the database (default: rds)
Before continuing, make sure you have the MySQL ODBC driver installed in your computer. If not, click here and install the appropriate driver for your operating system. For example, if are running 64-bit version of TEAMS-Designer download and install mysql-connector-odbc-5.x.x-winx64.msi. If you are running 32-bit version of TEAMS-Designer download and install mysql-connector-odbc-5.x.x-win32.msi.
To add a MySQL ODBC data source:
- First locate the ODBC Administrator utility.
- For 32-bit systems its located in: Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC).
- For 64-bit systems, if you are running the 64-bit version of TEAMS-Designer the utility is located in: Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC). If you are running the 32-bit version of TEAMS-Designer the utility is located in: <Windows Dir>\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.
- Open the utility and select the System DSN tab on the top.
- Click on Add.
- Select the “MySQL ODBC X.x Driver” from the list and click on Finish.
- Enter the name of the data source, the IP address of the database server, the user name and the password.
- If the information above is correct, the database drop-down list will display the database(s) on the server when selected.
- Select the TEAMS-RDS database from the list, by default it’s usually “rds”.
- Click on Test to verify the connection is configured correctly. If you encounter an issue, verify the parameters are correct.
- Click on OK to finish.
- The name of the data source is arbitrary but you should create a naming convention that is ready to remember if you plan on creating multiple ODBC data sources.
- You can add several ODBC data sources, this will allow you to export to several TEAMS-RDS databases from TEAMS-Designer.