We are glad to announce the release of TEAMS 12.1.3
Some features and bug fixes in this release include:
- FMEA reports now honor the Filter by Technology exclusion.
Bug Fixes:
- Improved diagnostic tree strategy and probability computation when tests are unreliable
- FMEA Identifier specified in the module properties is used in FMECA reports, if given, instead of TEAMS generated ID.
- PackNGo view of the diagnostic tree does not work in Windows 8.1
- The Ambiguity Histogram in Design For Service HTML report does not show bars, and displays only numbers.
- RESTful API to send jobs to PackNGo : RESTful API was developed to facilitate machine to machine diagnosis. These APIs are useful for interface developers, where the remote equipment can send fault codes to TEAMS-RDS, and TEAMS-RDS needs to email a troubleshooting strategy to the appropriate engineer with PackNGo app on his mobile device. Machines can initiate the sessions by sending the status of symptoms of type ‘BIT/Error codes’ as pass or fail to TEAMS-RDS, and TEAMS-RDS can email the PackNGo strategy based on those initial error codes.
- Improved strategy and probability computation when tests are unreliable in TEAMATE troubleshooting.
- TEAMS-RDS is now supported with Tomcat 7.0