Team QSI is pleased to announce another release of the 13.0.x series.
13.0.4 comes with several new features and bug.
- Users can now short all AND nodes with a single click in DFT to see single fault propagation beyond AND nodes.
- Users can now toggle individual Switches and Smart Switches to any desired position during DFT, without regards to system modes.
- Users can now select individual functions on a failure mode during DFT.
- Users can now generate a DFT Screengrabs Report of all Single Fault and Single Test scenarios for a model using the DFT Screengrabs feature found in the file menu.
- Warnings were added for users when models are loaded from OneDrive or other remote storage (as this can cause a considerable slow down).
- AND nodes that do not have enough branches connected in the Fault Tree Report are now kept and shown with reduced margins. An example of when this might happen is when there is a configuration change that disconnects some branches of the AND node.
- Considerable speed up of the Cut Sets Generation from the Fault Tree Report.
- Users can now limit their Exports to Impact Analysis to only System Wide Effects. In some models, this can reduce the D-Matrix size and computation time.
- Impact Analysis Map files now contain Effect Isolation Levels (System Wide, Intermediate, or Local).
- An issue was fixed with Windows Defender preventing installations of TEAMS-Designer on some PCs.
- Issues with Windows 11 and disappearing menu controls has been resolved.
- Canvas input and output ports now distribute across the entire height of the canvas.
- Incorrect information in the About page was corrected.
On the security side of things, some native components have been updated.
- Microsoft Visual C++ updated to version 14.38.33135.0
- curl updated to version 8.6.0
- eXpat updated to version 2.6.2
- OpenSSL updated to version 3.2.1
- SoftwareKey ProtectionPlus updated to version 5.23.4
- Tcl/Tk updated to version 8.6.14
See the third-party library report for more details.
Hope you like the release! We’ll see you next time …