1. Open Programs and Features under Control Panel.
2. Select the appropriate version of Microsoft SQL Server from the list of programs and select Uninstall/Change.
3. Select Remove when prompted for an action.
4. Click on OK in the Setup Support Rules step to continue.
5. Click on OK in the Select Instance step to continue.
6. Click on Select All and press Next.
7. Click on OK in the Removal Rules step to continue.
8. Click on Remove to begin the un-installation process.
9. Click on Close to continue.
10. The un-installation process will remove several components from your computer. The Microsoft SQL Server 20xx R2 Native Client will remove on your computer, it does not need to be un-installed.
11. Delete the data files left by Microsoft SQL Server 20xx. For example, for SQL Server 2008 Express delete the following directory “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\Data”. The “MSSQLXX_XX” changes depending on the version of SQL Server installed.
Congratulations you have successfully un-installed Microsoft SQL Server.
For further assistance please contact our support team at: support@teamqsi.com