We recommend a three prong backup strategy:
- OS Level backup of software and configuration files for Disaster Recovery and rollback in case of problems introduced by software and configuration updates. These may be performed periodically (e.g., monthly) or before significant changes.
- Database Level backup or dump of RDS tables which include TEAMS models and Session logs. These may be performed daily or even hourly for production databases.
- File Level backup of configuration files modified during RDS installation and setup. These may be performed only when RDS software is updated or configured. These files include:
- Files modified during installation in %RDS_HOME%\conf: Contains configuration files (for example database connection information db.properties, email server connection ‘mail.properties’).
- The TEAMS-RDS license file %RDS_HOME%\bin\license*.lf: Note that the software (app) may need a re-activation of license, if the hardware and/or OS configurations have changed
- Files in %RDS_HOME%\webapps\RDS\images: Contains customer specific logos and images with the color scheme that blends TEAMS-RDS web pages with customer’s web pages.
- %RDS_BASE%\conf: Contains any feedback back page customization done in TEAMS-RDS (Feedback page is shown to the users in TEAMS-RDS and TEAMATEs at the end of the troubleshooting session)
- %RDS_BASE%\jakarta-tomcat\lib: Any Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) jar files downloaded from database vendors (MSSQL, MySQL or Oracle) to connect TEAMS-RDS to database server.
- Any patches or hot fixes provided by QSI that may need to be applied on standard distribution